


  • 10DLC: 10-Digit Long Code. A standard, 10-digit phone number used for sending SMS and MMS messages.
  • A/B Testing: The process of comparing two versions of an SMS message to see which one performs better.
  • Aggregator: A business that acts as a middleman between businesses and carriers to deliver messages.
  • API: Application Programming Interface. A set of rules that allow different software applications to communicate with each other.
  • API Call: A request made to an API to execute a defined function.
  • API Documentation: Written material or instruction that provides information about an API and how to use it effectively.
  • API Economy: A term that describes the way APIs can positively affect an organization’s profitability.
  • API Endpoint: The point of interaction between an API and a server. The endpoint represents a specific function of an API.
  • API Gateway: A server that acts as an API front-end, receiving API requests and forwarding them to the appropriate backend services.
  • API Integration: The connection between two or more APIs that allows them to exchange data and functionality.
  • API Keys: Unique identifiers used to authenticate a user, developer, or calling program to an API.
  • API Lifecycle: The process of developing, managing, and retiring an API.
  • API Portal: A central access point where developers can learn about, access, and use APIs.
  • API Request: A call to an API to perform a specific action or retrieve certain data.
  • Blast: In SMS marketing, it refers to the act of sending a mass text message to multiple recipients at once.
  • Branded SMS Messages: SMS messages that include the name or other recognizable features of a brand.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA): A prompt in the SMS to incite a response from the receiver, such as visiting a website or making a purchase.
  • Carrier: The mobile network operator that provides the mobile infrastructure to send and receive SMS messages.
  • Carrier Surcharge: Additional fees imposed by mobile carriers for services such as sending SMS or MMS messages.
  • Concatenation: The process by which long SMS messages are split into smaller parts for sending and then reassembled on the recipient’s device.
  • Conversion Funnel: The journey a customer takes from the first interaction to the final conversion point, often represented as a funnel.
  • CTIA: Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association, an organization that sets industry standards for mobile communication.
  • Delivery Optimization: The process of ensuring the efficient and timely delivery of SMS messages.
  • DLR: Delivery Receipt. A confirmation that an SMS message has been delivered to the recipient’s device.
  • Drip Campaign: A type of marketing strategy where a set of pre-determined messages are sent out on a schedule.
  • Engagement Rates: A measure of the level of interaction that an SMS marketing campaign generates from its target audience.
  • Gateway: A network node that allows data to flow from one network to another. In SMS marketing, a gateway allows the sending of SMS messages from a computer to mobile phones.
  • Keyword: A specific word a customer can text to a short code to interact with an SMS marketing campaign.
  • Long Code: A standard phone number used to send and receive SMS and MMS messages.
  • MMA: Mobile Marketing Association. An organization that promotes mobile marketing and related technologies.
  • MMS: Multimedia Messaging Service. A type of message that can include multimedia content like images, audio, and video.
  • Mobile Audit: An evaluation process to assess the effectiveness and compliance of a mobile marketing strategy.
  • Mobile Messaging: The process of sending and receiving messages, including SMS and MMS, on a mobile device.
  • MO: Mobile OriginMT: Mobile Terminated. An SMS message that is sent from an application to a mobile device.
  • Non-Geographic SMS: SMS messages sent or received without a geographic telephone number.
  • P2P: Person to Person. Refers to SMS messages that are sent between two individuals, as opposed to automated messages sent by businesses.
  • Picture Messages: Typically refers to MMS, which can include pictures along with text.
  • Segmentation: The process of dividing an audience into smaller groups based on certain characteristics, such as demographics or behavior.
  • Sender Reputation: A measure of the trustworthiness of an SMS sender, often based on factors like complaint rates and delivery rates.
  • Short Code: A 5 or 6-digit number used to send and receive SMS and MMS messages.
  • SMPP: Short Message Peer-to-Peer. A protocol used by the telecommunications industry for exchanging SMS messages between SMSCs and ESMEs.
  • SMS: Short Message Service. A service for sending short text messages of up to 160 characters.
  • SMS Advertising: The use of SMS to send promotional messages to customers.
  • SMS Audience Development: The process of growing and nurturing a group of subscribers to whom SMS messages are sent.
  • SMS Coupon: A coupon sent via SMS that a customer can redeem, typically by showing the message at the point of purchase.
  • SMS Engagement: The interaction and response rate from the recipients of an SMS campaign.
  • SMS Lead Generation: The process of collecting potential customer information, such as phone numbers, via SMS for future marketing or sales efforts.
  • SMS Marketing: The use of SMS messages to communicate promotions, updates, and alerts to customers who have consented to receive these messages.
  • SMS Short codes: A type of address used in SMS and MMS messaging, typically consisting of 5-6 digits and used for mass messaging or automated services.
  • Target List: A specific group of customers who are targeted in a marketing campaign.
  • TCR: Typically stands for Total Customer Relationship, it refers to managing all aspects of a company’s interactions with its customers.
  • TCPA: Telephone Consumer Protection Act. A US law enacted to protect consumers from unwanted phone calls and text messages.
  • Text-to-Win: A type of SMS promotion where customers can win prizes by sending a text message to a particular short code or number.
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): A security measure that requires two steps to verify the user’s identity. In SMS marketing, this often means sending a code via SMS that the user must input to verify their identity.
  • Upstream Provider: A business that sends SMS messages on behalf of another entity, often part of a larger network of businesses involved in message transmission.
  • Vcard: A file format standard for electronic business cards, which can be shared via SMS.
  • WAP: Wireless Application Protocol. A technical standard for accessing information over a mobile wireless network.
  • Webhook: A method of augmenting or altering the behavior of a web page, or web application, with custom callbacks.
  • Unicode Support: The ability to use a character encoding standard, such as Unicode, which enables the use of characters from most of the world’s writing systems in SMS messages.